Evaluation of the Novaerus Technology in a Hospital

Royal Free Hospital; Hampstead, London
Full Report


To assess the effect of deploying an air decontamination device on environmental microbial load and to assess ease of use and acceptability of an air decontamination device in a general ward environment.


The Protect 800/900 was placed in three bays/rooms and a fourth bay/room acted as a control (no device present). The exact location and number of floor areas used for the study was dependent on the bed use at the time.

The standard cleaning regimen for the wards was not to be modified in any way during the duration of the study and any changes were recorded.

Microbial sampling, surface sampling, and air sampling took place. Over the 16-week period of the evaluation of Novaerus, 2666 samples were analysed for environmental surface TVC and 4732 samples were analysed for environmental surface MRSA. A further 379 samples were analysed for environmental air TVC, 364 samples for MRSA and 384 samples for environmental air fungi.

Summary of Results

Novaerus was most effective at reducing environmental surface contamination in patient 4-bedded bays and single rooms and was considered by ward staff to be generally acceptable and easy to use.

For Environmental Surface TVC, values were 49% lower with the device switched on when compared to the internal control (device off).

For Environmental Surface MRSA, the odds of a MRSA occurrence with the device on was 3%, a 97% reduction, of its internal control (device off).

For Environmental Air MRSA, the odds of MRSA occurrence with Novaerus switched on were a quarter of that observed for the external control.

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